Theme Thursday: Shiver: Birthright

The wind whistling through the bare forest cut me to the bone. The snow was falling faster now. I stared up at the skeletal branches overhead in despair. My jaunt through the woods to the seer’s hut had turned to a trudge. I feared I would be frozen solid by […]

Theme Thursday: Shiver: Daniel Anderson

I tore my eyes away from the comms. The feed wouldn’t be stopping any time soon, much like the ringing in my ears. It was a searing reminder deep in my gut that I shouldn’t be there. I shouldn’t be alive.

Theme Thursday: Hush

When I found her she was smiling. The slick cavern walls curved around the Wishing Pool and there at its heart she stood. I scrambled breathlessly into her lair. The chase was over. My dreams had been filled with finding the woman who’d appeared to me night after night, the […]

The Snow Queen

[WP] The cold, frigid, and proud Ice Queen, unable to feel emotion, finds a little boy dying in her frozen wastelands. She decides to keep him. She was on a mission to find peace. My proud queen didn’t admit it to me, of course, but I knew it in my […]

Theme Thursday: Drowning

I slipped under the water to the sound of her murmured prayers. My hand left hers even as I strained to reach for her again. It was too late. Freezing waves prickled my skin and I stifled a gasp but the delta rushed into my mouth instead of air as […]

Middlegate Road

Musical Inspiration: Gravedigger, Dave Matthews Band I found myself in a diner.  I don’t know how, I don’t know why. When I last closed my eyes it was to a hectic hospital room, on a bed covered in wires and tubes with incessantly beeping monitors. The distant weeping had faded. […]

The Projections

It was cold in the drafty ballroom. You’d think for someone with ‘fuck you money’ they’d make their ballrooms actually hospitable, but you’d be wrong. It seemed like the more rich these people got, the more their true cold blooded nature came out. I stood next to a marble fireplace […]

The Family Hero

There are so many reasons I chose this place. Firstly, it was outside the city gates. This was a major factor to me. I would have moved away to the ends of the earth, but I knew my fate was tied to those who lived within the city walls, so […]

The Survivor

Where to begin. I’ve had so many of those… Beginnings, that is. I’m sick of them. Some would say I’m lucky, but those people are wrong. There is such a thing as too many beginnings, and I’m living proof. Three hundred years at the base of the sacred mountains of […]

The Long Dreamed

Inspired by Lord Huron’s The Night We Met and the above image. When I found her, she was smiling. The cavern walls were slippery, even the light filtering through the chamber shaft was cold, but she was smiling. I reached out my hand to her and her frigid slender fingers […]