Full Moon Responders

“Hey Gnash,” I said as I passed my supervisor. “How’s shift?”
He harumphed a giant sized harumph my direction. I might have felt the whole of the comm center building tremble a little.
“That bad, huh?”
“It’s a full moon. What more is there to say?” The center trembled a little more from his grousing as he keyed up his crystal. “Units 956 and 947, copy a transfiguration with injuries.”

Vacation Horror

June 25th, 2007 I should write more. Truth is I don’t know where to even start these days. I’m hoping this weekend maybe will help. It’s been a long time since I tried to write, and even longer since I’ve spent time in the woods. It all looks unfamiliar to […]

Theme Thursday: Contained

Artemis surveyed her collection. The shelves of her library reached to the ceiling with jars standing shoulder to shoulder. All displayed eras of meticulous cataloging and assemblage. Despite the thousands upon thousands lined up filling her quiet sanctuary, if given time she could remember the contents of each one. A […]

Theme Thursday: Greed

Inva stared up at the honey locust, past the trunk, past the thorns, to the nest near the night-dark treetop.   There was no better opportunity than the birth of another dynasty brat. It had to be now, while the moon hung high in the sky and the sounds of drunken […]

Theme Thursday: Trust

The noise of the crowded casino was deafening, but some languages are universal. Like the way Maddi slung herself over the man, her chest pushed up against his back as he leaned over the roulette table. She swallowed back a gag at the stench of the pack a day smoker […]

Possibly a Blog

I’m interrupting our regular programming to finally write a blog post. At the turn of the year I started one, addressing some points about the last decade, but it was pretty boring so I tossed it. But now I have something mildly pleasant to say so here’s my first Hot Garbage (TM) post, ever.

The Vacation To Die For

I’d been pacing for hours, it felt like. If no one looked too hard I probably looked distraught. My bright red hands were evidence of all the hand wringing I’d been doing in the dingy ER waiting room. I would be distraught, anyway, if my luck turned…

Theme Thursday: Depth

It was lonely in the dark of the cavern. The silence haunted me.
Oh, how I longed to sing with my family again. I tried to sing once, alone though I was. It wasn’t the same. My voice couldn’t reach the heights of the dolphins, nor the depths of the whale’s hum.
Somewhere beyond this watery pit I could hear them for a time. I heard their playful cries as the sun skipped over the Surface and glittered on their scales. Eventually their singing became more distant.

The Power of Dal’struna

The hike had been hard, more difficult than I could have imagined. The cuts and gashes that covered me stung with a vengeance as I slipped under the surface. My aching joints protested. Why could there not have been a hot spring, instead of a pool of glacial runoff? Despite how it’s icy grip enveloped me, it still gave some degree of relief to scrub off the dust and sweat. Silver moonlight slid over my skin as my bruises deepened into purple with every moment. Exhaustion would have overtaken me, save for the shooting agony from every muscle and cut.

The Baker of London

“Hello, Sterling. I am Detective Mason, thank you for sitting down with me today. Let’s get right into it. I understand they call you ‘the Baker’.”
Mason set down a glass of water in front of his subject at the table and met his eyes. He made sure the other was watching as he hit the ‘stop’ button on the recording device and nonchalantly sat in the chair opposite of his detainee.
The Baker snorted at him.
“What’s so funny?”
“Do all your witnesses fall for that trick, you turning off a tape recorder?”